An error occurred in The Bug Genie

Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated

The following error occured:

Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /home/edam/www/, line 347

Stack trace:

Log messages:

info [main] 0.29 ms  Caching enabled: APC, filesystem
info [core] 0.31 ms  Loading configuration from cache
info [core] 0.36 ms  Loading configuration from disk cache
info [core] 0.63 ms  Done Loading Configuration
info [main] 0.64 ms  Initializing Caspar framework
info [main] 0.64 ms  PHP_SAPI says "apache2handler"
info [main] 0.65 ms  We are version "4.3.1"
info [main] 0.65 ms  Debug mode: yes
info [main] 0.65 ms  Initializing session
info [main] 0.97 ms  done (initializing session)
info [main] 0.98 ms  Loading B2DB
info [main] 1.15 ms  ...done (Initializing B2DB)
info [main] 1.15 ms  Database connection details found, connecting
info [main] 1.76 ms  ...done (Database connection details found, connecting)
info [main] 1.77 ms  ...done
info [main] 1.77 ms  Initializing context
info [main] 1.81 ms  Loading scope
info [main] 1.83 ms  Setting current scope
info [main] 1.85 ms  Checking if scope can be set from hostname (
info [main] 4.42 ms  Setting scope 1 from hostname
info [main] 4.43 ms  Loading settings
info [main] 4.44 ms  Loading settings
info [main] 4.44 ms  Settings not cached or install mode enabled. Retrieving from database
info [main] 7.28 ms  Retrieved
info [main] 7.29 ms  ...done
info [main] 7.3 ms  ...done (Setting scope from hostname)
info [main] 7.3 ms  done (loading scope)
info [main] 7.31 ms  Loading internal modules
info [main] 7.64 ms  ...done (loading internal modules)
info [main] 7.68 ms  Loading modules
info [main] 7.68 ms  getting modules from database
info [main] 9.99 ms  done (setting up module objects)
info [main] 10 ms  initializing modules
info [main] 10.17 ms  done (initializing modules)
info [main] 10.18 ms  ...done (loading modules)
info [routing] 16.94 ms  Routes are cached
info [routing] 16.96 ms  Loading routes from cache
info [routing] 17.32 ms  Setting routes from cache
info [routing] 17.33 ms  Setting component override mappings from cache
info [routing] 17.33 ms  Setting annotation listeners from cache
info [main] 17.34 ms  Loading event listeners
info [main] 17.36 ms  ... done (loading event listeners)
info [routing] 17.36 ms  ...done
info [main] 17.37 ms  ...done
info [main] 17.37 ms  ...done initializing
info [main] 17.37 ms  Caspar framework loaded
info [main] 17.38 ms  Dispatching
info [routing] 18.3 ms  URL is 'export-contacts/issues/allopen/format/rss'
info [routing] 18.31 ms  URL is now '/export-contacts/issues/allopen/format/rss'
info [routing] 18.35 ms  URL is now '/export-contacts/issues/allopen/format/rss'
info [routing] 23.66 ms  match route [project_allopen_issues] "/:project_key/issues/allopen/*"
warning [i18n] 23.85 ms  Cannot access the translation object until the i18n system has been initialized!

SQL queries:

  1. [0.6ms] from /home/edam/www/, line 102:
    SELECT AS scopes0_name, scopes0.description AS scopes0_description, scopes0.enabled AS scopes0_enabled, scopes0.uploads_enabled AS scopes0_uploads_enabled, scopes0.max_upload_limit AS scopes0_max_upload_limit, scopes0.custom_workflows_enabled AS scopes0_custom_workflows_enabled, scopes0.max_workflows AS scopes0_max_workflows, scopes0.max_users AS scopes0_max_users, scopes0.max_projects AS scopes0_max_projects, scopes0.max_teams AS scopes0_max_teams, AS scopes0_id, AS scopehostnames1_id, scopehostnames1.scope_id AS scopehostnames1_scope_id, scopehostnames1.hostname AS scopehostnames1_hostname FROM `tbg3_scopes` `scopes0` LEFT JOIN `tbg3_scopehostnames` `scopehostnames1` ON (`scopehostnames1`.`scope_id`=`scopes0`.`id`) WHERE (`scopehostnames1`.`hostname` = '' OR `scopes0`.`id` = 1) ORDER BY `scopes0`.`id` desc LIMIT 1
  2. [1.6ms] from /home/edam/www/, line 76:
    SELECT AS settings3_id, settings3.scope AS settings3_scope, AS settings3_name, settings3.module AS settings3_module, settings3.value AS settings3_value, settings3.uid AS settings3_uid, settings3.updated_at AS settings3_updated_at FROM `tbg3_settings` `settings3` WHERE (`settings3`.`uid` = 0 AND (`settings3`.`scope` = 1 OR `settings3`.`scope` = 0))
  3. [0.6ms] from /home/edam/www/, line 50:
    SELECT AS modules5_name, modules5.classname AS modules5_classname, modules5.enabled AS modules5_enabled, modules5.version AS modules5_version, modules5.scope AS modules5_scope, AS modules5_id, AS scopes6_name, scopes6.description AS scopes6_description, scopes6.enabled AS scopes6_enabled, scopes6.uploads_enabled AS scopes6_uploads_enabled, scopes6.max_upload_limit AS scopes6_max_upload_limit, scopes6.custom_workflows_enabled AS scopes6_custom_workflows_enabled, scopes6.max_workflows AS scopes6_max_workflows, scopes6.max_users AS scopes6_max_users, scopes6.max_projects AS scopes6_max_projects, scopes6.max_teams AS scopes6_max_teams, AS scopes6_id FROM `tbg3_modules` `modules5` LEFT JOIN `tbg3_scopes` `scopes6` ON (`scopes6`.`id`=`modules5`.`scope`) WHERE `modules5`.`scope` = 1
  4. [0.4ms] from /home/edam/www/, line 74:
    SELECT AS scopehostnames1_id, scopehostnames1.scope_id AS scopehostnames1_scope_id, scopehostnames1.hostname AS scopehostnames1_hostname, AS scopes7_name, scopes7.description AS scopes7_description, scopes7.enabled AS scopes7_enabled, scopes7.uploads_enabled AS scopes7_uploads_enabled, scopes7.max_upload_limit AS scopes7_max_upload_limit, scopes7.custom_workflows_enabled AS scopes7_custom_workflows_enabled, scopes7.max_workflows AS scopes7_max_workflows, scopes7.max_users AS scopes7_max_users, scopes7.max_projects AS scopes7_max_projects, scopes7.max_teams AS scopes7_max_teams, AS scopes7_id FROM `tbg3_scopehostnames` `scopehostnames1` LEFT JOIN `tbg3_scopes` `scopes7` ON (`scopes7`.`id`=`scopehostnames1`.`scope_id`) WHERE `scopehostnames1`.`scope_id` = 1