Arduino Makefile
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icon_project.png Arduino Makefile / Closed Bug report #5 The file does not work with Arduino 1.5.2.
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This issue has been closed with status "Closed" and resolution "RESOLVED".
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    Bug report
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    0.6 release
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    Not determined
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    Not triaged
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I don't know if this should be a bug or a feature request, but the current version of the does not work on the Arduino 1.5.2. It seems they have added an optional subsystem names 'sam' as opposed to 'avr'. This caused some directories to be moved around within the arduino IDE. I have a patch that fixes this, but this bug report system doesn't seem to let me attach the patch file.

Here is a link to the patch: [[|]]

Steps to reproduce this issue
Try to use with the Arduino 1.5.2 IDE.
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A file was uploaded. Carl&#039;s patch

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  • The milestone has been updated, from Not determined to 0.6 release.
  • The status has been updated, from New to Being worked on.
  • Information about the user working on this issue has been changed, from Not being worked on to edam.

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Thanks Carl, I've attached the patch. (Dunno why TBG wouldn't let you upload it -- it's got an incredibly complex permissions system, which I've checked, and regular users should be able to upload files. Perhaps it's a bug! It wouldn't be the first I've found.)

Incidentally, I'd realised that the makefile wouldn't work with the new 1.5 library, which is required to use the new Arduino Duo (which is ARM-based, and is the reason for the subsystem stuff). But, stupidly, I was thinking that I would need to get hold of an Arduino Duo to get it working. For some reason it hadn't occurred to me to test the makefile with the 1.5 library for all the usual Arduinos! Doh!
May 12, 2013 (22:20)

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After I wrote the fix, that's in my patch file, I realized that the directory selection could have been automated. This would obviously make the whole process invisible to the end used and then the SUBSYSTEM variable would not be needed.

I'm not getting your replies in email. I'll look around the system to see if it shut off for some reason.

Thanks, Carl

edam wrote:
Thanks Carl, I've attached the patch. (Dunno why TBG wouldn't let you
upload it -- it's got an incredibly complex permissions system, which I've
checked, and regular users should be able to upload files. Perhaps it's a
bug! It wouldn't be the first I've found.)

Incidentally, I'd realised that the makefile wouldn't work with the new 1.5
library, which is required to use the new Arduino Duo (which is ARM-based,
and is the reason for the subsystem stuff). But, stupidly, I was thinking
that I would need to get hold of an Arduino Duo to get it working. For
some reason it hadn't occurred to me to test the makefile with the 1.5
library for all the usual Arduinos! Doh!

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I have added initial support for the Arduino 1.5.x software. It should work with all Arduinos except the new Due (building with the new `sam` backend isn't supported yet -- see bug 9).

Any feedback from testing the latest development version of the makefile will be greatly appreciated.

The issue was updated with the following change(s):
  • This issue has been closed
  • The status has been updated, from Being worked on to Closed.
  • This issue's progression has been updated to 100 percent completed.
  • The resolution has been updated, from Not determined to RESOLVED.
  • Information about the user working on this issue has been changed, from edam to Not being worked on.
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