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icon_project.png Arduino Makefile / Closed Bug report #4 Issues on OS X (preferences.conf, install location, avrdude.conf)
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This issue has been closed with status "Fixed" and resolution "RESOLVED".
Issue basics
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    Bug report
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    0.5 release
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    Not determined
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    Not triaged
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    Not triaged
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Sorry for not separating the issues to different bug reports; I don't know if you'd be willing to push OS X support...

# The preferences.txt file is found as ~/Library/Arduino/preferences.txt on OS X. So the current (rev.72) doesn't find it (so doesn't set SKETCHBOOKDIR and so the user libraries aren't found - that's how I came across this issue).
# The ARDUINODIR variable needs to point to <>/Contents/Resources/Java (so not to the install location of - but this is fixable in individual Makefiles, so not much problem at all. The usual locations for are either /Applications/ or ~/Applications/ (with the first one being used much more heavily) - so you could add these two into the default list.
# "make upload" does a good (correct) guess for the serial port, but avrdude complains:
avrdude: can't open config file "/usr/local/etc/avrdude.conf": No such file or directory
avrdude: error reading system wide configuration file "/usr/local/etc/avrdude.conf"
I couldn't understand why the one isn't chosen - the logic seemed to be correct, and I don't really know how to "debug" Makefiles.

Otherwise, the compilation itself went fine (except finding the libraries in the sketchbook directory, as mentioned above). Thanks for this, it's a great idea and good implementation!
Steps to reproduce this issue
-> On OS X <- (tried on Lion, but I can't see how these issues could depend on the version of OS X)

For 1), just "make" with any sketch referencing "local" libraries - the compilation will error out with something like "lcd_meter.ino:10:28: warning: phi_interfaces.h: No such file or directory" (where phi_interfaces.h is found in $SKETCHBOOKDIR/libraries/phi_interfaces/phi_interfaces.h).

For 2), setting ARDUINODIR to <> will cause "make" say "*** ARDUINODIR is not set correctly; arduino software not found. Stop.", while setting it to <>/Contents/Resources/Java will make "make" run fine.

For 3) "make upload" on any sketch which compiles (ie some which use only standard libraries).
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AAah, sorry for the formatting - I guess I overlooked the "wiki-formatting" remark and the result is not what I intended. I can't edit the original report anymore...

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Hi, thanks for the detailed bug report!

xyzzy wrote:
so doesn't set SKETCHBOOKDIR and so the user libraries aren't found
I wondered if I could ask you a quick question, as I know next to nothing about Macs. I'm a bit concerned about the SKETCHBOOKDIR... Makefiles (well, make, actually) don't handle spaces in paths well, at all! Is there a "default" or commonly used location for the Arduino sketchbook directory on a Mac? And does it have any spaces in it?

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Great! Thanks!

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